
Friday, December 9, 2011

Major cabinet reshuffle 'to ward of Rudd threat'

Major cabinet reshuffle 'to ward of Rudd threat'Major cabinet reshuffle 'to ward of Rudd threat'And already the reorganization is being seen as a bid to shore up her support against her predecessor, Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd. ...Major cabinet reshuffle 'to ward of Rudd threat'

Burlingame man arrested on suspicion of killing his roommate

Burlingame man arrested on suspicion of killing his roommateA 64-year-old Burlingame man has been arrested on suspicion of beating to death his 70-year-old roommate, but investigators are still ...Burlingame man arrested on suspicion of killing his roommate

野党、首相に反発 問責2閣僚の続投方針表明で

野党、首相に反発 問責2閣僚の続投方針表明で野党、首相に反発 問責2閣僚の続投方針表明で参院は9日の本会議で、一川保夫防衛相と山岡賢次消費者相の問責決議案を自民、公明など野党の賛成多数で可決した。野田佳彦首相は同日夕に記者会見し、一川、山岡両氏 ...野党、首相に反発 問責2閣僚の続投方針表明で

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