Wednesday, October 26, 2011
好客山东休闲汇本周末落幕 百丽广场办美食展(组图)
半岛都市报10月27日讯(记者连茂明) 本周末,全省好客山东休闲汇活动将在青岛落下帷幕。闭幕式中心区位于市南区百丽广场,10月29日至30日将在此举行100种美食进饭店、餐馆,100种商品进商场,100家景区联合旅行社集中展 ... 好客山东休闲汇本周末落幕 百丽广场办美食展(组图)
4-9 of fiscal Fuji, electronic device 98 billion current account deficit turnaround
4-9 consolidated fiscal deficit in 2011 Fuji ordinary income of ¥ 9.8 billion (16.6 billion yen loss a year ago), respectively. Factors increase the deficit has shrunk. Improvement in the energy sector with strong earnings and a radiation meter. Power electronics equipment, such as the Chinese market was strong. ...4-9 of fiscal Fuji, electronic device 98 billion current account deficit turnaround
Auto: Gute Chrysler-Verkäufe bringen Fiat Geld
Die mehrheitliche Übernahme von Chrysler erweist sich für Fiat als Glücksfall. Der lange defizitäre US-Autobauer entpuppte sich im dritten Quartal als großer Gewinnbringer. Chrysler steuerte etwa zwei Drittel zum sogenannten Handelsergebnis von Fiat ... Auto: Gute Chrysler-Verkäufe bringen Fiat Geld
Vicepresidente Garzón pidió llevar caso de Mapiripán a CIDH
El vicepresidente Angelino Garzón, instó este jueves a llevar "hasta el final", incluida la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, el caso de "falsas víctimas" de la matanza de Mapiripán, revelación que sacude por estos días al país. ... Vicepresidente Garzón pidió llevar caso de Mapiripán a CIDH
A-Lin celebrate 28 years of age with short hair seeking hug the streets of Melbourne
A-Lin went to Australia for the new album recording visual, MV, A-Lin in the song "big hug" MV in, took to the streets of Melbourne holding "Free Hugs" big brands to embrace passers-through. The beginning of A-Lin fire a gun that would be, did not expect the unexpected enthusiasm of everyone, 2 sheave hold 100 people; shooting at the station, looks like a "Twilight" actor Robert .. .A-Lin celebrate 28 years of age with short hair seeking hug the streets of Melbourne
과천시장 주민소환투표 11월 16일 실시
경기도 과천시장에 대한 주민소환투표가 다음달 16일 실시된다. 이에 따라 28일부터 여인국(56) 시장의 직무가 정지됐다. 과천시선거관리위원회는 27일 오후 선관위원회를 열어 다음달 16일 과천시장 주민소환투표를 한다는 내용의 주민소환투표안을 발의했다. ... 과천시장 주민소환투표 11월 16일 실시
视频:拉姑生日心情好 谢霆锋携两子贺寿
新浪娱乐讯 10月26日,狄波拉的60岁大寿在香港某酒店设宴庆祝。当晚,其子谢霆峰携两子Lucas与Quintus前往酒店为拉姑贺寿。Lucas与Quintus齐齐穿上白恤衫,醒目可爱。谢霆峰白色衬衣配深色西服外套,帅气依然。 庆祝过后 ... 视频:拉姑生日心情好 谢霆锋携两子贺寿
Additional easing the central bank crises in Europe increased by 5 trillion yen to fund higher
The Bank of Japan Monetary Policy Meeting on the 27th, decided to expand to additional monetary easing stockbuilding 55 trillion yen 5 trillion yen, including funds for purchases of financial assets. All purchases are done in long-term government bonds increased. Additional easing since August. Downturn and a growing concern in the European crisis and historical appreciation of the yen, in financial terms.Additional easing the central bank crises in Europe increased by 5 trillion yen to fund higher
据新华社电 近期,北京、上海、杭州等地一些新房源实行较大幅度降价销售,引起部分已购房业主的不满,后者要求给予补偿甚至"退房"。各地由于价格因素引发的退房案例也有增多趋势。 位于北京通州区的京贸国际城,去年初均 ... 京沪杭多地频现退房潮
Times of India: Indian 10-year yield reached 8.82%
On Tuesday, India's central bank released a series of dove-style statements are making the bond market was a great boost, 10-year yield was down further, to 8.67%. However, such a sharp rise in the bond market is not sustainable, because bond traders realized that the Indian government to tighten fiscal tone more than before, which to some extent, India's potential to enhance the borrowing limit. ...Times of India: Indian 10-year yield reached 8.82%
湘潭九华示范区四大项目开工 总投资超130亿
10月26日上午,湘江流域防洪、道路、景观工程,泰富重工生产基地,红星美凯龙商业综合体和步步高新天地4个重大项目在湘潭九华示范区同时开工。总投资额超过130亿元的4个重大项目建设,是九华示范区"建设大园区,打造新中 ... 湘潭九华示范区四大项目开工 总投资超130亿
Austar says adding customers is tough
REGIONAL pay-TV provider Austar says it will be a challenge to win new subscribers given weak sentiment, and its focus is on controlling costs. Austar increased its number of total subscribers by 1328 in the three months to September 30, to 765578. ... Austar says adding customers is tough
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为期两天的二十国集团(G20)峰会4日在法国戛纳落幕。各国一致表示,将在今后一段时间共同研究向国际货币基金组织(微博)(IMF)增资的途径。本次峰会在国际货币体系改革方面取得了实质进展,G20当日下午发布的联合公报明 ... G20峰会落幕各国将研究向IMF增资途径
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