Thursday, October 6, 2011
Standard & Poor's abaisse la note de Dexia
S&P note que la banque lui semble à l'heure actuelle capitalisée de manière "adéquate", d'autant qu'elle opère sur des métiers à faible risque. L'agence d'évaluation financière Standard & Poor's a abaissé d'un cran vendredi la note du groupe bancaire ... Standard & Poor's abaisse la note de Dexia
(AGI) - Lecce, 7 ott.- Una bottiglia incendiaria e' stata lanciata e fatta esplodere questa notte a Specchia (Le), contro la casa del comandante dei vigili urbani, Luigi Scupola di 57 anni. La bottiglia molotov ha mandato in frantumi i vetri delle ... BOTTIGLIA INCENDIARIA CONTRO CASA COMANDANTE VIGILI DI SPECCHIA
Pakistani accused in US of spy links dies
AP Dr Zaheer Ahmed was one of two people accused in the case, which has complicated strained relations between Pakistan and the US. — File photo ISLAMABAD: A doctor charged in the United States with working for Pakistan's spy agency to influence ... Pakistani accused in US of spy links dies
Cal loses steam in 43-15 loss to No. 9 Oregon
By ANNE M. PETERSON, AP Sports Writer Don Ryan / AP Oregon running back LaMichael James leaves the field with a brace on his right arm after being injured during the second half of an NCAA college football game against California in Eugene, Ore., ... Cal loses steam in 43-15 loss to No. 9 Oregon
[포토]조범현-이만수, 마지막에 웃는 감독은?
'2011 롯데카드 프로야구' SK 와이번스와 KIA 타이거즈의 준플레이오프 미디어데이 행사가 7일 오후 인천문학야구장에서 진행되었다. 이날 미디어데이에는 정규리그 3위팀 SK의 이만수 감독대행과 이호준, 정근우, 4위팀 KIA의 조범현 감독과 이종범, 서재응이 참석 ... [포토]조범현-이만수, 마지막에 웃는 감독은?
Presentan el primer mataburros bien debute de los uruguayos
Diccionario del español del Uruguay. La Academia Nacional de Letras trabajó durante 25 años en la elaboración de este manual Palabras, dichos populares, refranes, piropos e insultos, más típicos Más de diez mil palabras, expresiones y refranes reunidos ... Presentan el primer mataburros bien debute de los uruguayos
KDB대우證 다문화가족 지원 우수기업에 선정
KDB대우증권이 다문화가족 지원에서 우수기업으로 선정돼 '2011 전국 다문화가족 지원 네트워크대회'에서 우수 네트워크 부문 여성가족부장관 표창을 수상했다. 이번 시상식은 '따뜻한 다문화사회'로서의 국가 이미지를 강화하기 위해 여성가족부, 강원도, ... KDB대우證 다문화가족 지원 우수기업에 선정
安郅欲挖穆帅C罗 卡洛斯:哈维世界第1是我偶像
如今卡洛斯的身份,是俄超安郅队的球员兼教练。在接受《阿斯报》采访时,卡洛斯透露安郅队很希望能够得到穆里尼奥和C罗。同时他把哈维视为偶像,并认为巴萨大脑才是如今真正的世界第一人。 "我们是否想要签下C罗?当然 ... 安郅欲挖穆帅C罗 卡洛斯:哈维世界第1是我偶像
北京楼市国庆黄金周5天成交547套 同比跌24%
尽管有黄金周的推动,但是房地产商期盼的"银十"依然不给力。7天长假打断了北京楼市9月下旬开始的成交回暖势头,尤其是二手住宅市场的成交回暖势头。 据北京市房地产交易管理网统计,黄金周前五天,北京住宅成交总量为 ... 北京楼市国庆黄金周5天成交547套 同比跌24%
Oracle agrees to $199.5M settlement with US
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department says Oracle Corp. and Oracle America Inc. have agreed to pay $199.5 million plus interest to settle allegations that the companies failed to tell the General Services Administration about discounts and other ... Oracle agrees to $199.5M settlement with US
业余裁判造奇闻:失恋后场上踢倒球员 不堪压力竟假摔
记者寒冰报道 英伦三岛是现代足球规则起源之地,有关裁判的奇闻异事层出不穷。早在1935年,英足总裁委会就曾尝试过在一场比赛中委任两名裁判。这场实验就在两支业余球队之间进行,遗憾的是,当年出现在切斯特的德比雷 ... 业余裁判造奇闻:失恋后场上踢倒球员 不堪压力竟假摔
Castro desestima el sobreseimiento de Matas en cuatro delitos relacionados con ...
El juez que instruye el caso Palma Arena ha desestimado la petición del abogado del ex presidente del Govern Jaume Matas para que acordara el sobreseimiento de su cliente en los delitos de falsedad documental, prevaricación administrativa, ... Castro desestima el sobreseimiento de Matas en cuatro delitos relacionados con ...
German fashion designer makes clothes from milk
By Natalia Drozdiak BERLIN (Reuters) - A young fashion designer from the German city of Hanover is revolutionising high fashion by designing clothes with a staple she can find in her fridge -- milk. Anke Domaske, 28, has developed a fabric called ... German fashion designer makes clothes from milk
Police question passenger who approached cockpit
AP INDIANAPOLIS — Authorities say a Saudi Arabian passenger who tried to get into the cockpit of an American Airlines flight from New York to Indianapolis didn't appear on any terror-related watch lists. Indianapolis airport police say another ... Police question passenger who approached cockpit
Sebastián Zurita recibe disculpas de Televisa
El hijo de Humberto Zurita y Christian Bach, quien fue despedido de la telenovela "A flor de piel" luego que le hayan ofrecido el personaje principal, ha recibido las disculpas de Televisa quienes le explicaron el por qué de su salida intempestiba. ... Sebastián Zurita recibe disculpas de Televisa
Cientos de funcionarios, convocados por Safja, se concentran para rechazar la ...
Unos 300 funcionarios convocados por el Sindicato Andaluz de Funcionarios de la Junta de Andalucía (Safja) se han concentrado ante el edificio de Torre Triana, en Sevilla, para defender la Administración Pública andaluza y rechazar la Ley de ... Cientos de funcionarios, convocados por Safja, se concentran para rechazar la ...
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