
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Int'l court to investigate 3-6 Ivory Coast figures

Int'l court to investigate 3-6 Ivory Coast figures By LAURA BURKE | AP ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast: The International Criminal Court will investigate three to six people in Ivory Coast for their actions during the West African nation's six-month-long political crisis, the court's top prosecutor said. ... Int'l court to investigate 3-6 Ivory Coast figures

Barikade umesto barikada!

Barikade umesto barikada! Rok koji je komanda Kfora dala Srbima da odblokiraju puteve na severu Kosmeta ističe sutra, ali ni noćas ni danas nije uklonjena nijedna barikada. Predstavnici Srba sa severa ne žele da govore o mogućim reakcijama građana, ali očekuju da Kfor održi ... Barikade umesto barikada!

Il sindaco di Verona va a caccia e ferisce un compagno di battuta

Il sindaco di Verona va a caccia e ferisce un compagno di battuta ROMA - Il sindaco di Verona Flavio Tosi ieri ha ferito accidentalmente un compagno di caccia, mentre partecipava a una battuta nella riserva di Terzo di Aquileia (Udine). Il ferito è stato colpito di rimbalzo da alcuni pallini al braccio e alla gamba ... Il sindaco di Verona va a caccia e ferisce un compagno di battuta

NGO Forum on October 17

NGO Forum on October 17 ⊙ a worry-free world, private tutoring ( a 20-gu, Seoul cheongeoram at 6:31 PM in 'to the National Collegiate Athletic design' launched to open expression. ⊙ Good Neighbors ( 19:00 20.21 days of the Millennium Hall of Konkuk University in the Good Neighbors regularly sponsored members, and is intended for family and friends' Good ...NGO Forum on October 17

乒坛辉煌50载颁奖盛典举行 32世界冠军获表彰

乒坛辉煌50载颁奖盛典举行 32世界冠军获表彰 新华网广州10月16日体育专电(记者魏蒙)以与球迷见面的方式,一批在国际乒坛上书写辉煌的中国乒坛精英16日在广东省中山市拉开了中国乒坛辉煌五十载颁奖盛典的序幕。 世界乒乓球锦标赛、世界杯乒乓球赛、奥运会乒乓球 ... 乒坛辉煌50载颁奖盛典举行 32世界冠军获表彰

"International experience of decontamination, a shared" International Symposium on Fukushima

"International experience of decontamination, a shared" International Symposium on Fukushima Gov. Yuhei Sato attended the "live and care for the amount of radiation that is hard. Residents have been longing for safety"."International experience of decontamination, a shared" International Symposium on Fukushima

爭取選票 藍參選人打建設牌

爭取選票 藍參選人打建設牌 〔中央社〕中國國民黨籍立法委員鍾紹和表示,高雄市阿蓮區有多個地區沒自來水可用,目前已完成改善計畫,年底可供水;另一國民黨立委參選人邱于軒則提出爭取建設運動公園。 尋求連任的鍾紹和表示,高雄市阿蓮區中路、石安、港後等7個地區,一直無法使用自來水,數百戶居民 ... 爭取選票 藍參選人打建設牌


国际 前日上午,惠州市惠城区河南岸冰塘村发生一宗暴力抗法事件。执法人员准备对该村一栋违法建筑进行依法清拆时,遭数十人恶意阻挠和暴力抗法。警方接到报警后将多名抗法人员带回公安机关接受调查。昨日,惠城区召开会议研 ... 国际

United we spell out the future long-Park Division

United we spell out the future long-Park Division Emphasis on energy conservation and carbon reduction of the electric car market, is optimistic about the future star, specializing in electric car battery technology a long garden, in the Emerging markets of concern. Zhang Yu, general manager of Tun and Tun age-matched brother, Zhang Jie, the two brothers together with mischievous childhood, grew up more with phase lithium-iron battery business, embrace the vision of the energy market, was established in the Republic of 86 long-Park technology. ...United we spell out the future long-Park Division

微創貸款 「航海王」圓夢開餐廳

微創貸款 「航海王」圓夢開餐廳 24歲的「航海王」漫畫迷洪聖泰也熱愛美食,向韓籍外婆學到一身好廚藝後,向新北市勞工局申請「幸福創業微利貸款」,在中和區景平路開了一家「航海王」韓式料理主題餐廳,透過同為「航海王」粉絲的網友強力宣傳,餐廳每天座無虛席,成為中和地區的人氣餐廳之一。 ... 微創貸款 「航海王」圓夢開餐廳


陳豪想約陳茵媺遊車河 陳豪昨日以慳油大使身份到跑馬地出席「Shell Fuelsave世界慳油日」活動,在台上與觀眾大玩遊戲。 陳豪向來是愛車之人,曾在外國生活的他,喜歡駕開篷車。問他在港有否駕開篷車時,陳豪說:「自從入行後,再加上緋聞纏身後,就不好意思再駕駛開篷車。 ... 陳豪想約陳茵媺遊車河

Hongjunpyo, 'I kkomsuda' the longest time 'war of words'

Hongjunpyo, 'I kkomsuda' the longest time 'war of words' GNP represents 15 days hongjunpyo public Internet political talk show satire "I kkomsuda (nakkomsu) GNP in nagyeongwon, beomyagwon Soon Park and Seoul Mayor candidate with respect to the various allegations and glib put-panel pyeolchyeotda confrontation. Jeongbongju before panels of the program and gimeojun ttanjiilbo Democrats ...Hongjunpyo, 'I kkomsuda' the longest time 'war of words'

Z tendru v Lesích ČR vznikne monopol, říká předseda dozorčí rady

Z tendru v Lesích ČR vznikne monopol, říká předseda dozorčí rady 15.10.2011 17:45 - Kvůli antimonopolnímu úřadu a zákonu o veřejných zakázkách bude mít podle předsedy dozorčí rady Lesů ČR Miroslava Zámečníka ve firmě monopol jedna společnost. Řekl to v rozhovoru pro server Aktuálně.cz. Až 75 procent objemu zakázek ... Z tendru v Lesích ČR vznikne monopol, říká předseda dozorčí rady

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