
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trabajo propone menores cotizaciones por contratar a parados

Trabajo propone menores cotizaciones por contratar a parados El ministro de Trabajo, Valeriano Gómez, ha propuesto que una parte de los 30.000 millones que se van a emplear este año en la protección de los parados se destine a rebajar cotizaciones a los empresarios que contraten a perceptores del desempleo. ... Trabajo propone menores cotizaciones por contratar a parados

Hollywood beckons Munnabhai!

Hollywood beckons Munnabhai! Sanjay Dutt enthralled all with his portrayal of Munnabhai. The out-and-out entertainer completely transformed the image of rough 'n' tough Sanju. Munnabhai's charm isn't just limited to India. That's probably why a US-based film company offered a ... Hollywood beckons Munnabhai!

PM 'furious' after Israeli mosque attacked

PM 'furious' after Israeli mosque attacked ISRAELI PM Benjamin Netanyahu has reacted with fury after seeing pictures of a mosque in northern Israel which was torched overnight, a statement from his office says. Netanyahu was "furious" when he saw the pictures of the mosque in the Bedouin ... PM 'furious' after Israeli mosque attacked

超半数新广州人每月没有余钱 8.5%需靠借贷度日

超半数新广州人每月没有余钱 8.5%需靠借贷度日 羊城晚报讯 记者林泓报道: 广州市青年文化宫联合信息咨询公司做的《"新广州人" 价值观及婚姻态度调查报告》近日正式出炉。报告显示:近八成外来务工者受落"新广州人"称谓,收入和住房成为最困扰他们的问题;超过半数人 ... 超半数新广州人每月没有余钱 8.5%需靠借贷度日

Floods kill 11 in Vietnam's Mekong Delta

Floods kill 11 in Vietnam's Mekong Delta AP | Posted: Sunday, October 2, 2011 11:16 pm | Loading… The government says the worst seasonal flooding in more than a decade has killed 11 people, including five children, over the past week in Vietnam's southern Mekong Delta. ... Floods kill 11 in Vietnam's Mekong Delta


尤文经典1战惊现新的伊布!让那个叛徒嘘声中去见鬼吧 新浪体育讯 尤文图斯2-0力挫AC米兰,马尔基西奥一人独进2球成为了球队的头号功臣,但锋线上武西尼奇的表现也足够令人眼前一亮!本场比赛,武西奇尼象伊布一样踢球,无所不能,而AC米兰真正的伊布却在主队球迷的满场嘘 ... 尤文经典1战惊现新的伊布!让那个叛徒嘘声中去见鬼吧

風雨未歇 氣象局持續發豪雨特報

風雨未歇 氣象局持續發豪雨特報 受東北季風及颱風外圍環流影響,中央氣象局持續發布豪雨特報,提醒台灣東北部、東部地區及北部山區有局部大豪雨或超大豪雨發生的機率,基隆北海岸地區有局部豪雨或大豪雨發生,北部、恆春半島、東南部地區及南部山區有局部大雨或豪雨發生的機率。氣象局特別提醒民眾注意 ... 風雨未歇 氣象局持續發豪雨特報

PSG alleiniger Leader

PSG alleiniger Leader Paris Saint-Germain und Lyon lagen vor dem Spitzenkampf der 9. Ligue-1-Runde punkt- und torgleich an der Spitze. Im Direktduell behält PSG mit einem 2:0 die Oberhand. Das goldene erste Tor für den Hauptstadt-Klub besorgte der Argentinier Javier Pastore ... PSG alleiniger Leader

Max Scherzer pitches six scoreless and despite Jose Valverde surrendering two ...

Max Scherzer pitches six scoreless and despite Jose Valverde surrendering two ... NEW YORK -- Justin Verlander is no longer the most frightening right-hander in the series, not even close. As ominous season-threatening figures go, the Game 3 starter for Detroit has nothing on the Game 4 starter for New York. ... Max Scherzer pitches six scoreless and despite Jose Valverde surrendering two ...

Eagles fans let it be known: Dream's becoming a nightmare

Eagles fans let it be known: Dream's becoming a nightmare By Simon Samano By Simon Samano Brotherly love has turned into disgust, the angst is amplified, and Philly fans are calling for heads with the Eagles sitting at 1-3 and dead last in the NFC East. "They will not win under this non-leader ... Eagles fans let it be known: Dream's becoming a nightmare

Just Dance veut qu'on l'idolâtre

Just Dance veut qu'on l'idolâtre L'actualité Nintendo se concentre beaucoup sur la fin d'année que Nintendo promet chargé avec Zelda : Skyward Sword, Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7 et bien d'autres. Pour autant au Japon, Ubisoft veut essayer de toucher le public japonais avec le dernier ... Just Dance veut qu'on l'idolâtre

Gliwice pochwaliły się stadionem. Teraz muszą zdążyć z meczem

Gliwice pochwaliły się stadionem. Teraz muszą zdążyć z meczem Pierwszy na Górnym Śląsku nowoczesny obiekt piłkarski do użytku ma być oddany 3 listopada. Dwa dni później piłkarze Piasta mają rozegrać na nim mecz ligowy z Wisłą Płock. - To karkołomny wysiłek - twierdzi prezes Piasta. Miasto Gliwice, które jest ... Gliwice pochwaliły się stadionem. Teraz muszą zdążyć z meczem

Ogier wins Rally France, Hirvonen goes level with defending champion Loeb in ...

Ogier wins Rally France, Hirvonen goes level with defending champion Loeb in ... By AP, STRASBOURG, France — Sebastien Ogier held off a strong challenge from Daniel Sordo of Spain to win the Rally France on Sunday and make up ground in the title race. Mikko Hirvonen of Finland finished third to join defending champion Sebastien ... Ogier wins Rally France, Hirvonen goes level with defending champion Loeb in ...

Illegal students face obstacles even after college

Illegal students face obstacles even after college New York Newsday > News > New York Content Preview Newsday/Optimum Online ® subscribers click here for full access Not a Newsday or Optimum Online ® subscriber? Click here Illegal students face obstacles even after college Originally published: October ... Illegal students face obstacles even after college

Rangers win 4-1 in preseason game at Bratislava

Rangers win 4-1 in preseason game at Bratislava AP BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — Mats Zuccarrelo started a string of four unanswered goals and the New York Rangers rallied for a 4-1 victory over Slovan Bratislava on Sunday for their third straight preseason win in Europe. Slovan took a 1-0 lead on Ivan ... Rangers win 4-1 in preseason game at Bratislava

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